I can't believe Caden turned 2 years old today. He is my youngest baby and it's hard to believe he is growing up so fast. When I was pregnant with Alex, everyone said to enjoy every minute because they will be teenagers before you know it. They were right, and I think the more children you have the faster time goes because you are so busy. I wish life would slow down a little bit. I took Caden to a toy store today and of course he picked out Thomas trains and Thomas books. He is obsessed with Thomas!! I am making him his favorite dinner tonight, which is cavatini and also apple cupcakes with carmel frosting. We are not having a big birthday party for him considering we are suppose to have a blizzard tonight, so it's going to be very low key. We do plan on taking him to a indoor water park when the weather gets a little nicer. He will love that. Anyway, just had to write about my love turning two. He is growing up too fast!!!
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